The team's focus since 2018 has been: Bringing cyber threats to light in customers' IT structures, because nothing is more important in today's world than protecting a company's most valuable asset – digital data and knowledge.
Vulidity GmbH has its headquarters in the Burghausen branch and positions itself in the IT security segment with its three specially developed threat intelligence product modules and services for all aspects of your IT security such as penetration testing, IT security audits and red team assessments.
The software solutions detect threats posed by cyber attacks in companies with the help of automated analyses, testing and hacking simulations. The modules analyse external, internal and human factors that can pose risks and thereby create a comprehensive view of your IT security situation.
Vulidity GmbH has been fully integrated as a sister company in the Kreutzpointner Group since January 2021. With the innovative development and future-oriented expansion of its in-house digital competencies the Kreutzpointner Group is facing the challenges of increasing digitalisation.
Vulidity GmbH
Burgkirchener Str. 3
84489 Burghausen
Tel.: +49 8633 505 694
E-Mail: info[at]
- Our solutions can be integrated into any individual company environment.
- Besides the web application, you simply need our innovative beacon for the Threat Intelligence Plus SE module.
- This means that our solutions are operational in just a few minutes.
- Using our modules requires neither in-depth IT knowledge nor hours of time spent working yourself ragged.
- Once set up, the Autopilot takes over the work for you and automatically delivers comprehensive threat analyses in the form of clear reports at time intervals you define.
- Stay informed about your IT status at any time you want.
- You receive a current risk assessment of your IT security status with the results of each threat analysis.
- See at a glance whether the data discovered poses an acute risk or whether your security concept is effective.
- Given that there are countless sources and tiers of illegally published data on the Internet, we rely solely on our own database of verified results.
- Benefit from one of the best leaked databases in Europe.
- Don't forget the most important component of any IT security concept: Social Engineering.
- In addition to all the other functions, our Threat Intelligence Plus SE module also checks this important cyber security component in companies, for example, with a simple Outlook plug-in that allows you to check emails yourself.
- Developed by IT admins for IT admins – effective and pragmatic!
- Awarded the 'Security Made in Germany' seal, our threat intelligence solutions were developed by certified experts and are continuously updated.
- In this way, we can guarantee maximum cyber security that is most up-to-date.
Our range of services
With the help of the Threat Intelligence Module, Vulidity customers can independently, comprehensively and automatically identify threats and weaknesses in the IT structure of their company from the perspective of an attacker. The three threat intelligence modules build on each other and consider IT security from different perspectives:
Threat Intelligence
Find out in minutes what sensitive data and information cyber criminals can collect, analyse and use against you as part of their preparations for a cyber attack against your company. Threat Intelligence is designed to do just that, providing you with a fully automated analysis of external cyber threats.
Our Threat Intelligence module comes with the following features:
- Mail usage analysis
- Robots analysis
- SSL/TLS connection analysis
- Subdomain analysis
- Version analysis
- Incident indicators (IoC)
- Web server content analysis
- Web server vulnerability analysis
- Domain analysis
- Leaked information analysis
- File extraction
- DNA analysis
- Google hacks
- CVE check
- Mail spoofing analysis mail server analysis
Threat Intelligence Plus
Check whether your IT infrastructure can withstand real-world scenarios. Different layers of complexity allow you to establish your level of security and analyse whether attackers or malware would be detected in your network. Threat Intelligence Plus is designed to provide you with a fully automated analysis of internal cyber threats.
The following features are included in our Threat Intelligence Plus module:
- Active directory enumeration
- Attacker enumeration
- Attacker communication
- Antivirus software test
- Malware communication
- Network sniffing
- Network threat traffic simulator
- Network enumeration
- Password spraying
- Port enumerator
+ In addition, all the features of Threat Intelligence are available to you for an external cyber threat analysis.
Threat Intelligence Plus SE
Use our social engineering module to build long-term robust awareness about phishing and other social engineering attacks in your company and get measurable results. Our Threat Intelligence Plus Social Engineering module can help you to create tailored and fully automated awareness campaigns for your workforce.
The following features are included in our Threat Intelligence Plus Social Engineering module:
- Predefined phishing templates
- Graphical scenario editor
- Automated campaigns
- Visual evaluation
- USB social engineering templates
- QR code templates
- Integrated website clone function
- Prevention advice
+ In addition, all the features of our Threat Intelligence and Threat Intelligence Plus modules are available to you for external and internal cyber threat analysis.
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